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Lead Judge

Karl Chitham

Art Shows Across Aotearoa is delighted to announce Karl Chitham (Ngā Puhi, Te Uriroroi) as the inaugural Lead Judge for the recently established ASAA Gold Award for Art Excellence. This national Award generously sponsored by Stuff Media has an overall value of $35,000+ and will be progressively adjudicated across four major Art Shows in four different New Zealand cities throughout 2024 culminating in the overall Gold Award Presentation to a single winner in November 2024.

Karl Chitham is the Director of The Dowse, one of New Zealand’s leading contemporary art galleries in Lower Hutt, Wellington and a 2023 recipient of an ONZM for his services to the arts. Trained as an artist and educator Karl has held curatorial roles in universities, museums and public galleries. He was Director and Curator at Tauranga Art Gallery before becoming Head of Arts and Culture and Director of the Dowse for Hutt City.

Karl Chitham is passionate about the transformative powers of art and its ability to provide life changing moments for individuals and communities.  He has been involved in a number of awards including as convenor of the Rydal Art Prize, as judge of the National Contemporary Art Awards, and has been on the selection panel for the New Zealand Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. In conjunction with his previous experience in the arts, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role as this year’s Lead Judge of the ASAA Gold Award for Art Excellence.

Lead Judge
Lead Judge
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